Goals & Benefits of In-Arms Parenting

 Goals & Benefits of In-Arms Parenting

  1. A continuous daily relationship with one primary caregiver (usually the mother) results in the most intelligent nurture of a young child. Extended family members also provide a constant and assuring presence.
  2. A baby held in-arms, or worn in a shawl or carrier, moves as a unit with the parent. The adult’s hands are free to care for older children and perform other tasks. Baby can calmly indicate when to be put down instead of crying to be picked up.
  3. Breastfeeding on demand, with child-led weaning, leads to self-control and greater freedom by the child over their own food and eating choices.
  4. A baby whose cries are responded to promptly learns to trust. When children are accustomed to being comforted by people, not things, family relationships tend to remain simple. Households are safer, and easier to keep when not cluttered by excessive items.
  5. Children integrated into the daily life of family and community have a tremendous educational advantage. Babies in-arms are mostly in a quiet alert state of consciousness, observing their surroundings from a secure perch. Older children learn lessons that are relevant and essential to their well-being.
  6. Both parents and babies get their needs met by unhurried communication and humane interactions. The respect shown to small children by parents will reflect back on them in later years.
  7. Flexible sleeping arrangements can reduce a sense of isolation and provide assurance day or night. In most traditional cultures, family members sleep in the same room or in the same bed. When all family members, including baby, have their basic needs attended to, a right sleeping place can be found for everyone.

Reprinted with permission from The Rebozo Way Project

The Rebozo Way Project
P.O. BOX 22506
Santa Barbara, CA 93121 U.S.A.
Tel. & Fax : 1-805-965-4402
Toll Free: 1-877-4


